Thursday, August 25, 2011

Candle in the Dark

I recently watched a movie about the life of William Carey, called Candle in the Dark. It was excellent. I knew he had made great sacrifices to take the gospel to India, but never realized all he went through.

He was a cobbler in England, who lived from 1761 to 1834 -- an era when the Protestant church didn't believe that Christians had a responsibility to take the gospel to the nations. But he saw it differently. He wrote a booklet that made the case from Scripture that the disciples of Christ have a responsibility to reach other nations for Christ. He taught that in order to reach other nations for Christ, we need to cooperate, organize ourselves, and plan strategically.

He would not simply sit back in his own comfort zone, and wait for God, in His sovereignty, to get the gospel out to the nations. He said, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” His motto was: Begin with prayer, asking God to do great things in your own life and in the lives of others. Then act on those prayers, attempting great things for God as you expect great things from Him.

And he practiced what he preached. He became the first Protestant missionary, leaving his homeland with his wife and children to take the gospel to India. Although he lost his wife and one child, who succumbed to deadly diseases, he remained obedient to the Lord. During his forty years in India, he translated the Bible into many Indian languages, printed Bibles, and established schools, as well as a college that offered theological training. He also helped bring about the abolition of Sati, the traditional Indian practice of burning widows on their husbands' funeral pyres.

There is still so much work to be done today to complete the Great Commission of Jesus, who commanded His disciples to "make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Mt 28:19). America was once the greatest missionary-sending nation on earth. Yet sadly today many Americans spend more money on their pets than they do on missions.

There are a few, a remnant, who are passionate about taking the gospel to the nations. They understand that we need to cooperate, organize ourselves, and plan strategically for these ventures to do so. If you are not presently involved, let me encourage you to pray and ask the Lord how He wants to use you.

I encourage you to pick up a copy of this "Candle in the Dark" movie online, and watch it. You won't be disappointed, and the Lord may use it to give you a fresh passion for fulfilling the Great Commission.

We should all be involved in making disciples among the people around us. But regarding foreign missions, some are called to go, others are called to give, and still others to pray. Ask the Lord what your role is in this exciting end times harvest.

Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Mat 24:14). His words will be fulfilled. Will you be a part of it? Will you be a candle in the dark?

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

If We Must Commend Ourselves

Sometimes we may find ourselves talking about the work we are doing in our service for the Lord. This is true of missionaries, who provide progress reports to their sending churches, either through newsletters or live presentations. Unless we speak of ourselves disparagingly, we are probably commending ourselves in some way. As disciples of Christ, we should be sure that the manner in which we do this is in line with Scripture. So what does God’s Word teach us about commending ourselves?

The true letter of commendation

The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians saying, “Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you? You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.” (2Co 3:1-4)

In this passage, Paul, writing for himself and Timothy, asked the question whether he really needed letters of commendation to the Corinthians or from them. Letters of commendation are usually provided when a person is going to a group of people he does not yet know. Those who are knows and respected by the people in that group write the letters he carries with him. This acts as a character reference or a referral, so that the people open up and receive the person coming to them.

Because other traveling speakers, ministering in Corinth, had disparaged the apostle Paul to the Corinthians, he had to once again commend himself to them. He admitted that it was rather odd that he should need to do so, since had already established a good relationship among them. In fact, since he and Timothy had already labored among the Corinthians for the gospel, the Corinthians themselves were now in a position to commend him. That’s why he indicated that they themselves were his letter of commendation. The Corinthian disciples were a letter of Christ, written in his and Timothy’s hearts. This shows that the true letter of commendation is not written on paper with ink, but is written by the Spirit of God on human hearts. It’s the relationship that counts.

Credit where credit is due
The apostle Paul clarified that his adequacy came from God. He wrote: “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2Co 3:5-6) He made it clear that he did not consider anything he had done as coming from himself. He and Timothy knew the Lord deserved the credit for anything good they had accomplished.

Commending ourselves truthfully
While others acted craftily, adulterating the Word of God, Paul noted that he renounced this behavior. He wrote: “but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.” (2Co 4:2) So while he and Timothy commended themselves to the Corinthians, they did so truthfully in the sight of God.

Giving people an occasion to be proud of you
Then Paul went on to state that he and Timothy really weren’t commending themselves again to the Corinthians. “We are not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us, so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart.” (2Co 5:12). By saying he was not commending himself to them once again, he acknowledged that he had once done so, but this time what he was doing was giving them reasons to esteem him and Timothy, as well as answer the others who were disparaging these two servants of the Lord. As servants of the Lord, it’s appropriate for us to do the same.

Commending ourselves in all things as servants of God
Later in his letter, Paul admitted that he and Timothy did, in fact, commend themselves in everything. But they commended themselves as servants of God, not as rulers or lords over the Corinthians. He wrote: “But in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses…” (2Co 6:4) In other words, rather than try to show how only powerful he was, he preferred to showcase his weaknesses and commend himself in all things, not just the glamorous or appealing aspects. If you are going to commend yourself, be sure you do so in all things, showing your service to the Lord, weaknesses and all.

Not comparing ourselves with others
While Paul and Timothy commended themselves, they did not do so as others did. Others commended themselves to the Corinthians by comparing themselves to one another. He wrote: “For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding.” (2Co 10:12) By comparing themselves to each other, those others were practicing one-upmanship. In other words, when we compare ourselves to others in order to make ourselves look good, this is not appropriate. Anyone can make himself look good by doing that, and make a case for why he is in a separate class above others. But Paul and Timothy never did this, and neither should we.

The one commendation that matters
Paul defined the man who is approved, when he wrote, “For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.” (2Co 10:18) A person can commend himself all he likes, but what good is it if the Lord does not commend him? Paul knew that no matter what he said, his approval ultimately came from God not from men. At the end of the day, that is the only approval that matters.

Keep that in mind when you begin to commend yourself. There will be many who even commend themselves to the Lord on judgment day. They will say, “Lord, Lord! Did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast our demons.” But to those who did not live in obedience to Him and to His Word, he will respond saying, “Depart from me. I never knew you.” The approval we should seek is the Lord’s, to hear Him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” That’s the commendation that counts!

Commend yourself in true humility
Paul knew it was foolish of him to commend himself, but he felt it was necessary. Others, who classified themselves as super-apostles, were negatively influencing the Corinthian disciples. He wrote: “I have become foolish; you yourselves compelled me. Actually I should have been commended by you, for in no respect was I inferior to the most eminent apostles, even though I am a nobody.” (2Co 12:11) He freely admitted that he was a nobody, in spite of his calling in God and his great accomplishments. Let’s not forget that either. If you must commend yourself, don’t be afraid to admit you’re a nobody, serving Somebody named Jesus Christ. There are no great men in the kingdom of God, just humble servants of the Lord.

Authority for building up people
Paul did resort to boasting a bit about the authority the Lord had given him. He wrote, “For even if I boast somewhat further about our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for destroying you, I will not be put to shame.” (2Co 10:8) While he boasted about his authority, he clarified that the purpose of his authority was for building up the Corinthians, not tearing them down. No matter what level of authority the Lord has given to you, let this thought keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Your authority in God is for the benefit of others, not your own benefit or to hurt people. In this day and age, when so many leaders boast about their spiritual authority and abuse it, we need to hear this and heed it. Who cares which of the fivefold gifts you are – whether apostle or prophet or whatever? The important thing is that you are functioning in your gift to build up the Body of Christ.

Stay within your own sphere
It’s so easy to go beyond your own sphere, and begin boasting about things you really cannot take any credit for. Watch out not to do that. Paul wrote, “But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you. For we are not overextending ourselves, as if we did not reach to you, for we were the first to come even as far as you in the gospel of Christ; not boasting beyond our measure, that is, in other men's labors, but with the hope that as your faith grows, we will be, within our sphere, enlarged even more by you, so as to preach the gospel even to the regions beyond you, and not to boast in what has been accomplished in the sphere of another.” (2Co 10:13-16).

While other traveling speakers in Corinth were boasting about their work, they were actually boasting about how they had built upon Paul’s work there. He said that he and his team were the first ones to reach Corinth with the gospel. So he felt that it was truly his sphere or territory. He had no intention to go and build on another man’s work in someone else’s territory, as these others were doing in Corinth. So as he boasted of his work among them, he was not overextending himself, but staying within the measure God had assigned to him. That’s another important guideline for us. If you must boast, be sure it’s about work you have done in the sphere the Lord has assigned to you. Don’t go and build on what someone else established in the Lord, and then boast about it as though you established it. Stay within your own sphere.

Boast in the Lord

Paul said, “But HE WHO BOASTS IS TO BOAST IN THE LORD.” (2Co 10:17) So if you must boast, then boast in the Lord about how He has led you, what He has done through you, and how He has kept you through the hardships. It’s all about Jesus, not you.

The motive for boasting
Paul knew that his motives for boasting were good, and he was not going to let anyone stop him. He said, “As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia.” (2Co 11:10) He went on to say why he boasted: “But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting.” (2Co 11:12) His motive was to stop those other public speakers in Corinth, who wanted to elevate themselves in order to be considered on a par with Paul and Timothy among the disciples there.

Always check your heart and ask the Lord to show you what your motive is in boasting about yourself. Is it to pump yourself up, so that people see you on a level with those you consider great? If so, that’s not good. The Lord will reveal your motives to you, if you ask him. And if they are pure, then you are permitted a little bit of boasting, although there is not much to be gained by it.

Boasting is foolish
Paul admitted that boasting about himself was rather foolish. “Again I say, let no one think me foolish; but if you do, receive me even as foolish, so that I also may boast a little. What I am saying, I am not saying as the Lord would, but as in foolishness, in this confidence of boasting.” (2Co 11:16-17) He knew that the Lord Jesus would never boast, so if he must do so, he wanted the Corinthians to know it was him speaking and not the Lord.

Indirect reference to your revelatory experiences

Some people would like to read their spiritual resume publicly, and let everyone know about their deeply spiritual, revelatory experiences in God. They want everyone to know how many demons they’ve cast out, how many decisions for Christ they have seen in their crusades, and how many miracles they have performed. Paul said, “Boasting is necessary, though it is not profitable; but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.” (2Co 12:1) He acknowledged that while boasting is sometimes necessary, it is not profitable. And then he made an indirect reference to himself. He referred to a man who had been caught up into the third heaven, where he saw and heard things that man is not permitted to speak.

Notice how he said, “On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses.” (2Co 12:5) Paul knew he could boast about someone who had such experiences, but he did not come out directly and speak of his own great revelatory experiences in the first person. Although the more he spoke of them, he indirectly hinted that he was talking about himself. He wrote: “For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me.” (2Co 12:6) He knew that he’d be telling the truth, if he boasted about these wonderful experiences of his, but he deliberately chose not to do that, so that no one would think of him more highly than they ought to.

Avoid speaking about yourself in such a way that would lead people to think more highly of you than is warranted.

Boast of what pertains to your weakness
Paul made the distinction between what he was doing and boasting according to the flesh. He wrote, “Since many boast according to the flesh, I will boast also.” (2Co 11:18) These others who negatively influenced the Corinthian disciples were boasting according to the flesh. In other words, they were boasting in the usual manner we are all familiar with and which none of us enjoy listening to. Such people are conceited and want everyone to think highly of them, in order to inflate their own ego.

But Paul’s boasting was quite different from that. He said, “If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness.” (2Co 11:30) That’s why he spotlighted his many hardships suffered for the sake of the gospel. He wanted others to see how much he had suffered for the Lord. This kind of boasting reveals your heart to others.

Although Paul had been given deeply spiritual, revelatory experiences in the supernatural realm, the Lord had a way of keeping him from becoming conceited. Paul said that the Lord allowed a messenger of Satan to afflict him with a painful thorn in his body. Some believe this was an incurable eye disease that Paul spoke of elsewhere. But whatever it was, we know he pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away. He had prayed for so many people and saw them healed, yet the Lord did not grant Paul’s request in this case. Paul wrote. “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” (2Co 12:9) The Lord told Paul that His grace was sufficient for him. And Paul knew that the power of Christ in his life was made perfect in his weakness. So he boasted about those things that showed his weakness.

When you boast about the hardships, trials, and afflictions you have endured in your service to the Lord, then others can see that the Lord is the source of your power, not you. So, if you must boast about yourself, let your boasting be Christ-centric rather than egocentric.

Putting it All Together
As we can see from this study, there is a place for commending ourselves and for boasting. There are times when it is appropriate to do so. Therefore, we needn’t be shy about telling others what the Lord has done through us.

But when you do so, remember that it’s your relationships with other people that tell the story. The lives you have touched with the love of Jesus are your true letter of commendation, so highlight those.

And don’t forget to give credit where credit it due. Keep a truly humble heart. In ourselves we are nobody. If the Lord has used you, it’s not because you are perfect. It’s because you are forgiven. If you should boast, then boast in the Lord. The commendation you should seek is the Lord’s, because that’s the only one that means you’re approved.

Ask the Lord to show you your own motives for commending yourself. Make sure they are right motives. If your heart is to serve the Lord and further the gospel, not your own agenda or name, that’s a good motive for sharing.

Just stick to the sphere the Lord has assigned you to. There’s no use in boasting about how you’ve built upon someone else’s work, as though you were solely responsible for it.

If you make any references to the power of God on your life, or any revelatory experiences like dreams and visions, be careful to do so as indirectly as possible. What’s the point in doing that, even if it’s true?

On the other hand, when you boast about the hardships, trials, and afflictions you have endured in your service to the Lord, others can see that the Lord is the source of your power, not you. That keeps Him central. Point people to Jesus, not to yourself. For all things are from Him, through Him, and to Him. To God be the glory!

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bad News About the Good News

What do you think is the top priority mission that Jesus Christ gave to the Church? After completing His own mission on earth, he told His disciples exactly what our mission is. Just before he ascended into heaven, he told them: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Mat 28:18-20)

So the mission is clear: go and make disciples of all the nations. Has that happened yet?

Well, Jesus said,"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Mat 24:14). From this we know that the end will come after the mission is completed. And since the end has not come, we still have work to do.

The apostle Paul said, "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?" (Rom 10:13-15). You see, it's simple: Without a preacher being sent, the people will not hear the good news of Jesus. Without hearing the good news, they will not be able to believe in Him. And without believing in Him, they will not be able to call on His name and be saved! It all begins with a preacher being sent.

Those of us who understand the times we live in right now are acutely aware that we live in the last days, and Jesus is coming soon. And there's a lot of work to do. Yet at this crucial moment in history, denominations are "laying off" missionaries in order to make budget. Many missionaries are returning home from the field because they simply do not have the financial support they need to stay and complete the mission. This is amazing! Is God broke? Is God in heaven saying, "Well, I guess my people can't complete the mission I gave them, because all the resources I had for them have been exhausted. I never expected it to cost so much, and I didn't realize we would have this global economic crisis. Oh well! Let's downsize the church. And if anyone is going to be laid off, it'll be the missionaries. Send the missionaries home."

A couple years ago, Ron Hutchcraft delivered an excellent message called "The Bad News about the Good News." It speaks right to this discussion.

God's resources never run dry. Jesus has so ordained it that those being sent need others to send them. He said, "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure--pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." (Luk 6:38)

Have you considered giving financially to someone who has been sent to those who have not heard, so they can call on the name of the Lord and be saved? It's an eternal investment.

Attribution notice: Most Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

Len Lacroix is the founder of Doulos Missions International.  He was based in Eastern Europe for four years, making disciples, as well as helping leaders to be more effective at making disciples who multiply, developing leaders who multiply, with the ultimate goal of planting churches that multiply. His ministry is now based in the United States with the same goal of helping fulfill the Great Commission.